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According to relocation webpage, there are the following charges that can be applied to the deposit:
1 Maling af vægge (painting walls)
2 Maling af lofter (painting ceilings)
3 Maling af træværk (painting wood?)
4 Maling af vinduer (painting windows)
5 Finslibning af gulv (polishing the floor)
6 Rengøring (cleaning)
7 Pudsning af vinduer (Window polishing)
Do all of these apply to each apartment?
Does Maling af træværk mean painting floor after sanding it? There are no other wooden surfaces in our apartment.
What are the prices for Finslibning, Mellemslibning, Fuldslibning per m2 correspondingly?
What is Maling af vinduer? Do windows have to be painted differently than the walls?
Thank you in advance!
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